


Prof. Prof. Dr. h. c. Prof. h. c. Dr. med. Martin B. E. Schneider


Zone Mitte, Gebäude 30
4. OG Raum 085

Anke Späth
Tel.: +49 228 287-37481
Fax: +49 228 287-14603
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Schneider Martin

Name: Martin Benno Erik Schneider

Date of birth: 27. Oct. 1961

Place of birth: Hannover, F.R.G.

Nationality: German


1968 - 1972 Grund- und Hauptschule Goethe-Platz Hannover (elementary school)

1972 - 1981 Gymnasium "Ratsgymnasium" (grammer school) Hannover, Abitur (matriculation examination) received 15. March1981

Oct. 1981 - March 1989 Medical School at the Faculty of Medicine of the Justus- Liebig- University of Göttingen, University of Cologne; University of Bonn, University of Heidelberg, University of Tübingen and Freie Universität, University of Berlin, F.R.G.

March 1985 Physikum (premedical examination in the basic sciences), Freie UniversitätBerlin, F.R.G.

March 1986 1 st Staatsexamen (state exam) in medicine Freie UniversitätBerlin, F.R.G.

March-Sept.1986 Famulatur (elective clerkship) at Nilgiris Adivasi Wellfare Accossiation, Kotagiri, India

March 1988 2nd Staatsexamen (state exam) in medicine Freie Universität Berlin, F.R.G.

April 1988 -April 1989 Praktisches Jahr (final year clinical training) Dept. of Surgery (4/1988 to 8/1988) Dept. of Paediatric Cardiology (8/1988 to 12/1988) Dept. of Internal Medicine (1/1989 to 4/1989)  Freie Universität Berlin, F.R.G.

March 1989 3rd Staatsexamen (state exam) in medicine (final medical examination) Freie Universität Berlin, F.R.G.

May 15 th1989 Partial medical licence and permission work as "Arzt im Praktikum (AiP)" (medical degree)

Dec. 14th 1990 full medical board certification

Sept 1st 1994 Thesis of doctorate (MD):

Titel: "Rhythmdisturbance in Children with d-Transposition of the Great Arteries After Surgical Correction (Atrial Inversion)."

Dec. 4th 1996 Facharzt für Pädiatrie (specialist in Pediatrics)

March 25th 1998 Facharzt für Kinderkardiologie (Specialist in Paediatric Cardiology)

2. Juli 2002 PHD (Habilitation)

Titel of Habilitation: „Implantation of balloonexpandable Stents for treatment of stenotic vessels in children: Indication, Follow up and Limitation“

Titel of open scientific lecture: „Combined surgical/interventional therapy in Patients with Congenital Heart Diseases: the Hybride - therapy“

24. Nov. 2005 „Umhabilitation“ from BerlinUniversity to University of DuisburgEssen

Since 2005 Guest Professorship of University of Vienna, Austria and Guest Professorship of Tartu University, Estonia

Since Nov 2007 Honoured Professor of heart centre of Tianjin Chest Hospital, China

25. Nov. 2009 ap Professor in Paediatric Cardiology, University of DuisburgEssen

Since Jan 2018 Honoured Professor of Qingdao Women and Children´s Hospital, China


Internship as junior resident:

June 1989 - Sept 1989 (AiP) Dept of surgery Martin-Luther- Hospital. Freie UniversitätBerlin, F.R.G.

Sept.1989 - Dec. 1990 (AiP) Dept. of Cardiac and Thoracic surgery, Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin (DHZB) Intensiv care unit

Dec. 1990 March 1991 Resident at Dept. of Cardiac and Thoracic surgery, Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin (DHZB) Prof. Dr. R. Hetzer, Intensiv care unit

April 1991 - April 1993 Resident in Paediatric Cardiology at Dept. Paediatric Cardiology, Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin (DHZB) Prof. Dr. PE Lange, Priv. Doz. G. Hausdorf, Intensiv care unit and cardiac catheterization laboratories

April 1993 - Nov. 1993 Resident in ChildrensHospital, Johannes-GutenbergUniversityMainz, Prof. Dr. J. Spranger, and Dept. of Ped. Cardiology: Intensiv care unit, out patients and cardiac catheterization laboratories (Prof. Dr. D. Schranz).

Nov. 1993 - Sept 1994 Senior Resident, Dept of Paediartic Cardiology, Children´s Hospital Charité

Sept. 1994 - Feb. 1997 Senior physician (Oberarzt) at Children´s Hospital Charité Dept. of Paediatric Cardiology, (Prof. Dr. G. Hausdorf), cardiac catheterization laboratories and intensive care units.

Feb. 1997 - Oct 1997 Research fellow paediatric cardiology Guy´s and St ThomasHospital, London, Prof. Dr. M. Tynan

Oct 1997- Oct 2003 Senior physician (Oberarzt) and chief of cardiac catheterization laboratories at Children´s Hospital Charité Dept. of Paediatric Cardiology (Prof. Dr. G. Bein),

Oct 2003 - Sept 2019 Chief of the Dept. of Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Diseases
German Childrens Heart Centre
Sankt Augustin

Oct 2019 – today Direktor of the Dept. of Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Diseases Bonn University Clinic

Examiner Pediatrics, Pediatric Cardiology, “GUCH”


Member of Association for European Pediatric Cardiology

Member of British Pediatric Cardiologists

Member of German Pediatric Cardiologists

Member of German Cardiologists

Member of the International Society of Invasive Cardiology in Congenital Heart Disease

Member of the bord of Directors for Scientific committee, CSI Frankfurt 2023

Postgraduate activities

Teaching programme on interventional cardiology 1993-2007 (Proctor for umbrella implantation: Rashkind, ASDOS, Cardio Seal, Starflex, Amplatzer and stent implantation)


Christian Albrecht Universität Kiel, Universitätsklinikum Essen, DHZ Duisburg, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Universitätskliniken des Saarlandes, Philipps Universität Marburg, J-W-Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Johann Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Justus Liebig Universität Gießen, DKHZ St. Augustin, DHZ Berlin, Universitätsklinikum zu Köln, Westfälische Wilhelms- Universität Münster, St. Georg Krankenhaus Hamburg, UKE Hamburg, Eberhard- Karls- Universität Tübingen, Friedrich- Alexander- Universität Erlangen, Krankenhaus Neustadt a.d. Saale, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, MHH Hannover, Klinikum Villingen Schwenningen, Universitätskliniken Rostock, Klinikum Siegburg, Petruskrankenhaus Bonn, Krankenhaus Wertheim


Guy´s Hospital London UK, Royal Hospital for Sick Children Yorkhill, Glasgow UK, The Children´s Hospital Birmingham UK, Universitätsklinikum Graz Austria, Östra sjukhuset Barnkliniken Götheburg Sweden, Rijkshospital Oslo Norway, Hopital Cantonal Universitaire Genf Swizerland, Universitätsklinikum Tartu Estonia, Universitätsklinikum Riga Lituenia, Universitätsklinikum Utrecht Netherlands, Universitätsklinikum Innsbruck Austria, AKH Wien Austra, Onasseio Zentrum Athen Greece, Hospital Gaziantep, Izmir Türkey

South Afrika:

Children´s Hospital Capetown, Johannesburg und Bloemfontein


Children´s Hospitals Manila, Philippines, Heart Centre Jinan, Tsingtao, Beijing and Tianjin, China

Visiting scientist

March and September 1994 Skejby University Hospital of Aarhus, Denmark

April 2004 Development of new Delivery-Systemse for the Helex Device in the USA; Animallaboratory Flagstaff, Arizona.

International studies:

The Use of a New, Size-Variable Covered Stent – Animal Trial
(Co-operation with the BromptonHospital, London)

Stent implantation in neonates. Development of new devices (animal study) Kooperation mit Guy´s Hospital, London 2000 - 2003

Projektleader BMBF supported Kompetenz-network „Congenital Heart Diseases“:
Titel: „Pulmonalarteriopathy-Diagnosis and Therapy of peripheral Pulmonry arterial stenoses“ (2004 –2007).

A Prospective Multi-Center Study to Evaluate the Performance of the HELEXTM Septal Occluder for Transcatheter Closure of Septal Defects (ASD/PFO)
Covered Stent study; Atrium - Aortic Coarctation study 2011 -2017

“Baby Stent” study Osypka Co 2018

International Co-operationen

„Partnership for the Heart“. Co-operation between the Baltic States and Germany (Project: Telemedicine) 1999 – 2005.

Guest professoreship (chair) University of Vienna, Austria 2005

Honoured Professor in Tianjin Chest Hospital and Women and Children´s Hospital Qingdao, China

Expert witness

  • European congress of the Association for European Pediatric Cardiology.
  • Journal: „Catheterisation and Cardiovascular Intervention“.
  • „Journal of Perinatal Medicine“
  • Expert witness for Thesis of Doctorate and PHD at Humboldt- UniversityBerlin, Charité and University Esen Duisburg, Germany


Estonian state decoration „Red Cross Third Class“ für besondere Verdienste in der Medizin in Estland verliehen vom estnischen Staatpräsidenten 2/2004.


Prof. Dr. D. Schranz
Dept. of Paediatric Cardiology, Justus Liebig Universität Gießen
Ludwigstr. 29, 35390 Gießen

Prof Dr R Hetzer
Dept. of Thoracic Surgery, DHZB Berlin, Augustenburger Platz 1A

Prof. MJ Tynan
Dept. of Paediatric Cardiology, Guy´s Hospital, London


Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Breuer


Zone Mitte, Gebäude 30
4. OG Raum 088

Kateryna Bielan 
Tel.: +49 228 287-33350
Fax: +49 228 287-33360
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Prof Breuer Kinderklinik

1979 - 1986 Studium an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Düsseldorf, anschließend  Promotion

1986 – 1987 Klinische und wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit im Rahmen eines Stipendiums der Rotary Foundation an der Kinderklinik der Universität von Kalifornien in San Diego

1987 – 1997 Weiterbildung zum Facharzt für Kinderheilkunde, sowie Erwerb der Schwerpunkte Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin und Kinderkardiologie am Universitätsklinikum Tübingen

1997 – 2001 Oberarzt der Abteilung für Kinderkardiologie der Universität Tübingen

1998 Habilitation mit einer Arbeit über die „Selektive Beeinflussung des Pulmonalkreislaufes durch Inhalation mit Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) bei Kindern mit angeborenen Herzfehlern: „Hämodynamik, Gasaustausch und toxikologische Aspekte“

Seit 2001 Direktor der Abteilung für Kinderkardiologie am Zentrum für Kinderheilkunde der Universität Bonn

Seit 2009 Professor an der Universität Bonn

Seine wissenschaftlichen Hauptarbeitsgebiete sind neben der interventionellen Kardiologie die kernspintomograpische und –spektroskopische Diagnostik angeborener und erworbener Herzfehler sowie die Pathogenese und Therapie der pulmonalen Hypertonie.

Für die Erforschung der Behandlung des Lungenhochdruckes mit Stickstoffmonoxid-Inhalationen wurde er mit dem Förderpreis der Deutschen Herzstiftung und dem Arthur-Schloßmann-Preis der Sächsisch-Thüringischen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde ausgezeichnet.

Darüberhinaus ist er sehr aktiv in der Lehre sowie Fort- und Weiterbildung. Er ist Hauptverantwortlicher für die Lehre am Zentrum für Kinderheilkunde und bekam 2012 den Lehrpreis der Universität Bonn für die Medizinischen Fakultät.

Date of birth: October 27, 1961

Place of birth: Hannover, FRG

Nationality: German


December 14, 1990 Full medical board certification

September 1, 1994 Thesis of doctorate (MD)

December 4, 1996 Specialist in Pediatrics

March 25, 1998 Specialist in Paediatric Cardiology

July 2, 2002 PHD (Habilitation)

2005 Guest Professorship of University of Vienna, Austria and Guest Professorship of Tartu University, Estonia

2007 Honoured Professor heart centre of Tianjin Chest Hospital, China

2018 Honoured Professor heart centre Qingdao, China

November 25, 2009 Professor in Paediatric Cardiology, University of Duisburg Essen


1989 - 1991 Resident at Dept. of Cardiac and Thoracic surgery, German Heart Centre Berlin, Prof. Dr. R. Hetzer

1991 - 1993 Resident in Paediatric Cardiology at Dept. Paediatric Cardiology, German Heart Centre Berlin, PD G. Hausdorf

1993 - 1993 Resident in Childrens Hospital, University Mainz, Prof. Dr. D. Schranz

1993 - 1997 Senior physician, Dept of Paediatric Cardiology, Children´s Hospital Charité

1997 - 1997 Senior lecturer paediatric cardiology Guy´s, London, Prof. Dr. M. Tynan

1997 - 2003 Chief of cardiac catheterization laboratories at Children´s Hospital Charité Dept. of Paediatric Cardiology

2003 - 2019 Chief of the Dept. of Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Diseases German Childrens Heart Centre Sankt Augustin

2019 - today Chief of the Dept. of Paediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Diseases German Children Heart Centre Bonn University

2006 Primo loco for a professorship in paediatric cardiology (W2) at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen

Granting of the Estonian state decoration „Red Cross Third Class“ by Estonian State President 2/2004

Stellvertretender Direktor

Prof. Dr. med. Peter Zartner


Tel.: +49 228 287-37481
Fax: +49 228 287-14603
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Zartner Peter

Dr. med. Christine Bernhardt
Dr. med. Noa Freudenthal
Dr. med. Andrea Gieselmann
Dr. med. Christopher Hart
Dr. med. Anne Ksellmann
Dr. med. Stefanie Lütter
Dr. med. Nathalie Mini (Herzkatheter und Schrittmacher Labor)
Dr. med. Nicole Müller
Philipp Suchowerskyj
Dr. med. Daiva De Paul-Gromasauskiene
Dr. med. Judith Hammans
Dr. med. Tobias Kratz
Dr. med. Ines Pelster
Dr. med. Birthe Schaidinger

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